Somerset County Miracle Voice Club

How to put on a Conference ( NJ Style )

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 Some of  How to put on a Conference  (NJ Style)
   Start with your Group,and others that will help you     it's a lot of work !!!
   Start about a year or yr and 1/2  before the show !!! ( It' Takes time )
   You need a Committee, for planing and voting ,We had a vendor on
   our's to get there side of a conference.They are a Very important
     part of the show!!!! ..........
     1)  Pick a Date !!
     2)  Pick a large city (Town ) in the center of the State
     3)  Find  10-15 vendors that will support you and the DATE
     4)  Find Presenter for workshops--Get for the "New" and "Old"
           ( 10 - 15 ) Make sure the
          date is good for them ( If you can get them for free Great ,
          otherwise it will cost you for Hotel  and etc for them )
     5)  Find a Hotel !! under $100.00 per night ,Most hotel's will work
           with you ( The more Rooms the better)
           Make sure the Date is Good.
          You will need rooms for the ones coming from out of town,
           And the vendors,and Speakers
            Fri  & sat ??? Sun ??
           Does the Hotel have breakout rooms ???
            We used 5 rooms in the conference Center, Had 5 diff
            workshops going at on time  (45 min -1 hr )We had 2 in
            the am and 1 in the pm  (conference was 8:00 -- 4:00)
           STAY On Time!!!!
          And Food ??Get all you can ,most places will give you a free meal
           so you can sample the cooking ,
           Feed the Vendors !!!
           If You can have it in one spot its better But more $$$$
    6)  Need a Conference Hall ??? 2 days ?? 1 Day ???
           Food part of conference ??? How much does it cost
           Find a Nice place Does not half to be GREAT but,Nice with
           lots of room  --
     7)   Is The Date Good for all the above ?? OK , So now You
           have ----- Vendors , Hotel, Confer Center , Presenters,Food ---
     8)     ( Ck with the IAL for their date that yr   :>)  )
           Now the Fun part !!!  How much does it COST!!! Who going
           to pay what ?? For sure you don't want your club  to lose a lot
           But you have to have in the bank just in case you fail and have
           to pay ( $2,000.00 ??)
           You charge the vendors a set up fee, $000.00 -- up ???
            How much room do the vendors need ?? 1 -2 tables ??
            How large of a room ??? ( All Vendors like space!  Prime space)
            Not all vendors get along so you have to be careful who is next
            to who. This is where it's nice to have a vendor on the comm.
            How much do you charge the Lary's ,How much for SLP's
           ( Lary's)-- just enough  to cover your food cost ,$25.00 --30.00
           ( SLP'S ) --- Are you going to give Ed credits ?? If you are it
            will cost you,
            So, you have to charge more --- $100. per day is good and 
            it helps with the total cost
       9)  Now if You have ALL the above lined up !!
            Tell the world That  You are having a Show !!!!!! then go back
             to planing !( Pick a name ,and stick with it,use it all the time)
     10)   Who is going to be the key-note Speaker??
             ( He gets a Free ride, so it cost you ) But,
               He makes the  show ( Good or Bad )
               Get a Lary!!! who Been there ,Done That !!!
     11)   Line up the other speakers time (who going to talk at same time)
             You want everyone to hear the one he/she wants to hear
             We picked what we thought was the most important
             and did them 2 times , Stay on Time!!!!
             Be sure to ask the speakers if they want 1-2 talks
     12)   See if you can line up vendors to put on a "Meet & Greet"
             The night before the Conference ---  Check with the Hotel
             about the cost of same and what and how long you get !!!
             A Good Meet &Greet set's the tone for the Conference
                     MAKE it Good
    13)  Coffee Breaks --- One in the AM  one in the PM  ---
            Find vendors to sponsor these---  say $000.00 each?
            Have to find out cost of coffee & cake
            Some places don't charge for  this BUT you still charge
            the vendors , and put up sign's (Coffee Break sponsored By )
     !4)    Breakfast --  Coffee ,and rolls ,cakes
              Find a Vendor to take care of this cost ( same as above )
    15)   Let the world know what's going on again ( New up-date )
            You might find a vendor to help with the cost of mailing
             flyers ,or the ACS will help BUT may want your mail list ,
            so be careful, mail to all lary's and clubs within 200 miles
            Do a Up date on WW as you feel right doing (1 a Month )
     !6)   Registration Forms!!! Put them on the flyers !!  Have cut
             off date for pre reg,raise price after that date .----
    17)   About a month or 2 before conference go ck everything out
              again Thing can and will change without you knowing
              Hotel are great for that so ( BE SURE To get it all in writing )
              As far as the cost and what you are getting for it
              Check on A/V Stuff ,What  Do you need for each speaker??
              Some places charge for this --so ck -- you might want
              to change who talks when,so as to do with what you have
    18)   Line up people from the club to work day of conference !!!
            Are you having Goody Bags ?? Yes !! Need someone to
            print them .  Get a vendor !!  conference on one side
            vendor on other   ---  get other vendors to help fill bags
            Have all goody Bag stuff sent to you ,so that you can have
            them ready the am of conference
    19)  Name Tags --- Do not cost much You can do on your PC
            Have ready and all layed out on res. table the night before
    20)  Programs--  Need a printer and a layout of what you are
            having ---  Ads  Sell Ads --Full page,Half page,Buss card   
   21)   Door Prizes --- Get one from each vendor!!!
            We gave some out at lunch ,Save the best for last
   22)  Have a Great Day !!!!!
   23)   Say THANK YOU , and clean up ,and start planing the next one.
   Hope you can use some of the above to help you put on a
  Great Conference
  Stay Well


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