Time for a bite to eat. Cliff Griffin, Griffin Labs, David Blevins, Virginia Beach, VA, Pat Boyd, Hackettstown,
NJ and Karen Griffin, Griffin Labs.
Gary Miner Sr., V.P. IAL, Scott, Griffin Labs, Cliff Griffin, Griffin Labs
Our New President and Vice President, Phil Clemmons, and Gary Miner Sr.
Ron Langseth, Costa Mesa, CA, Elizabeth Finchem, Tucson, AZ, David Blevins, Virginia Beach, VA
Stan and Doreen Nebel, Host Club
Tony Talmich & Laura Winthrop ,Miami,Fl
Maggy Brodie & Hector (Tito) Santiago, Philadelphia, PA
Our New President, Phil Clemmons.
Gene & Janet Breski, Boise, ID
( Eagle Medical )
Cliff & Karen Griffin , Temecula Ca.
( Griffin Labs )
IAL President Phil Clemmons and Tony ("Look MA No Hands") Talmich
Presidents Reception
David , Irwin , Bob , ?
Roy Boyd, Hackettstown, NJ and Tony Talmich, Miami, FL.
Phil Clemmons, Gary Miner Sr and Roy Boyd
Barbara Bartley, SLP, TN, Estella Young, Harrisburg Pa, Michelle Addair, SLP, TN
Miss Libby Gets a Good shot
Mr.and Mrs Irwin Title, Silver Spring, MD/North York ON, Canada
Jewell Hoffman, New Orleans &
David Blevins, Virginia Beach, VA,
Vice President, Gary & Janet Miner Sr.
The New IAL Board
Vicki kand Gary Metz, Wauwatosa, WI